Image by jhenning from Pixabay
Medicago sativa L.
Blooming Time: June-Sept
Pollinated By: Honey bees
Pollinated @ FLNI by: European Honey Bee
Photo by Brenda Torrey
Bird's Foot Trefoil
Lotus corniculatus
Blooming Time: June-Aug
Pollinated By: all bees including Honeybees, but particularly valuable to all Bumblebees and solitary Bees
Pollinated @ FLNI by: Bi-Colored Sweat Bee, Yellow-legged Miner Bee, Maple Miner Bee, Neighborly Miner Bee, European Wool Carder Bee, Orange-tipped Wood Digger Bee, European Honey Bee, Pure Golden-green Sweat Bee, Golden Sweat Bee, Metallic Epauletted Sweat Bee, Two-Spotted Bumble Bee, Golden Northern Bumble Bee, Brown-belted Bumble Bee, Common Eastern Bumble Bee, Half-black Bumble Bee, Eastern Mining Bee, Spurred Small Carpenter Bee, Doubled Carpenter Bee, Mi’kmaq Little Carpenter Bee, Nimble Carpenter Bee, Sad Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee, Red-footed Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee, Armed Cellophane Bee, Hooked Long Horn Bee, Confusing Sweat Bee, Ligated Gregarious Sweat Bee, Eastern Masked Bee, Annulate Masked Bee, Illinois Masked Bee, Mesilla Valley Masked Bee, Modust Masked Bee, Dark Metallic Sweat Bees, Dark Striped Sweat Bees, Megachile addenda, Bellflower Resin Bee, Frigid Leafcutter Bee, Small-handed Leafcutter Bee, Unarmed Leafcutter Bee, Broad-handed Leafcutter Bee, Silver-Tailed Petal-cutter Bee, Blueberry Leafcutter Bee, Pugnacious Leafcutter Bee, Relative Leafcutter Bee, Sculpture Resin Bee, Texas Leafcutter Bee, Agile Long-horned Bee, Eastern New York Ironweed Long-horned Bee, Thistle Long-horned Bee, Cuckoo Bees, Maine Blueberry Bee, Japanese Horn-faced Bee, Dwarf Mason Bee,Texas Mason Bee, Hoary Squash Bee, Hibiscus Turret Bee, Thistle Long-horned Cuckoo Bee, Eastern Carpenter Bee, Goldenrod Long-horned Bee, Dark-veined Long-horned Bee, Melitta Americana Long-horned Bee, Orange-legged Sweat Bee, Hairy-faced Summer Mason Bee, Robber Mason Bee
(c) gregturner, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)
Black Knapweed
Centaurea nigra
Blooming Time: June-Sept
Pollinated By: bees, flies, moths & butterflies
Pollinated @ FLNI by: Thistle Long-horned Bee, Thistle Long-horned Cuckoo Bee
Image by KitKestrel from Pixabay
Blanket Flower
Gaillardia aristata
Blooming Time: July-Sept
Pollinated By: Bees, butterflies, beetles
Pollinated @ FLNI by: Silver-Tailed Petal-cutter Bee, Thistle Long-horned Bee
Image by jhenning from Pixabay
Blue Eyed Grass
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
Blooming Time: May-July
Pollinated By: Halictine bees, Bumblebees and other native bees and pollinating flies
Pollinated @ FLNI by: Golden Sweat Bee, Metallic Epauletted Sweat Bee, Two-Spotted Bumble Bee, Golden Northern Bumble Bee, Brown-belted Bumble Bee, Common Eastern Bumble Bee, Half-black Bumble Bee, Confusing Sweat Bee, Ligated Gregarious Sweat Bee, Orange-legged Sweat Bee, Dark Metallic Sweat Bees, Dark Striped Sweat Bees
(c) jackerfield, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)
Blue Vervain
Verbena hastata
Blooming Time: June-Sept
Pollinated By: primarily by bees, including both long-tongued and short-tongued bees. Other insects that may visit the flowers include Syrphid flies, bee flies, small butterflies, and skippers
Pollinated @ FLNI by: Bi-Colored Sweat Bee, Yellow-legged Miner Bee, Maple Miner Bee, Neighborly Miner Bee, European Wool Carder Bee, Orange-tipped Wood Digger Bee, European Honey Bee, Pure Golden-green Sweat Bee, Golden Sweat Bee, Metallic Epauletted Sweat Bee, Two-Spotted Bumble Bee, Golden Northern Bumble Bee, Brown-belted Bumble Bee, Common Eastern Bumble Bee, Half-black Bumble Bee, Eastern Mining Bee, Spurred Small Carpenter Bee, Doubled Carpenter Bee, Mi’kmaq Little Carpenter Bee, Nimble Carpenter Bee, Sad Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee, Red-footed Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee, Armed Cellophane Bee, Hooked Long Horn Bee, Confusing Sweat Bee, Ligated Gregarious Sweat Bee, Eastern Masked Bee, Annulate Masked Bee, Illinois Masked Bee, Mesilla Valley Masked Bee, Modust Masked Bee, Dark Metallic Sweat Bees, Dark Striped Sweat Bees, Megachile addenda, Bellflower Resin Bee, Frigid Leafcutter Bee, Small-handed Leafcutter Bee, Unarmed Leafcutter Bee, Broad-handed Leafcutter Bee, Silver-Tailed Petal-cutter Bee, Blueberry Leafcutter Bee, Pugnacious Leafcutter Bee, Relative Leafcutter Bee, Sculpture Resin Bee, Texas Leafcutter Bee, Agile Long-horned Bee, Eastern New York Ironweed Long-horned Bee, Thistle Long-horned Bee, Cuckoo Bees, Maine Blueberry Bee, Japanese Horn-faced Bee, Dwarf Mason Bee, Texas Mason Bee, Hoary Squash Bee , Hibiscus Turret Bee , Thistle Long-horned Cuckoo Bee, Eastern Carpenter Bee, Goldenrod Long-horned Bee , Dark-veined Long-horned Bee, Melitta Americana Long-horned Bee, Orange-legged Sweat Bee, Hairy-faced Summer Mason Bee, Robber Mason Bee
(c) Charles and Kathy Appell, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC
Bristly or Swamp Dewberry
Rubus hispidus
Blooming Time: June-Sept
Pollinated By: primarily by bees, including both long-tongued and short-tongued bees. Other insects that may visit the flowers include Syrphid flies, bee flies, small butterflies, and skippers
Pollinated @ FLNI by: Bi-Colored Sweat Bee, Yellow-legged Miner Bee, Maple Miner Bee, Neighborly Miner Bee, European Wool Carder Bee, Orange-tipped Wood Digger Bee, European Honey Bee, Pure Golden-green Sweat Bee, Golden Sweat Bee, Metallic Epauletted Sweat Bee, Two-Spotted Bumble Bee, Golden Northern Bumble Bee, Brown-belted Bumble Bee, Common Eastern Bumble Bee, Half-black Bumble Bee, Eastern Mining Bee, Spurred Small Carpenter Bee, Doubled Carpenter Bee, Mi’kmaq Little Carpenter Bee, Nimble Carpenter Bee, Sad Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee, Red-footed Cuckoo Leafcutter Bee, Armed Cellophane Bee, Hooked Long Horn Bee, Confusing Sweat Bee, Ligated Gregarious Sweat Bee, Eastern Masked Bee, Annulate Masked Bee, Illinois Masked Bee, Mesilla Valley Masked Bee, Modust Masked Bee, Dark Metallic Sweat Bees, Dark Striped Sweat Bees, Megachile addenda, Bellflower Resin Bee, Frigid Leafcutter Bee, Small-handed Leafcutter Bee, Unarmed Leafcutter Bee, Broad-handed Leafcutter Bee, Silver-Tailed Petal-cutter Bee, Blueberry Leafcutter Bee, Pugnacious Leafcutter Bee, Relative Leafcutter Bee, Sculpture Resin Bee, Texas Leafcutter Bee, Agile Long-horned Bee, Eastern New York Ironweed Long-horned Bee, Thistle Long-horned Bee, Cuckoo Bees, Maine Blueberry Bee, Japanese Horn-faced Bee, Dwarf Mason Bee, Texas Mason Bee, Hoary Squash Bee , Hibiscus Turret Bee , Thistle Long-horned Cuckoo Bee, Eastern Carpenter Bee, Goldenrod Long-horned Bee , Dark-veined Long-horned Bee, Melitta Americana Long-horned Bee, Orange-legged Sweat Bee, Hairy-faced Summer Mason Bee, Robber Mason Bee